
Showing posts from February, 2020

Ralph Sanders exposing George Semeil cyberbullying him on the internet

After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose.   I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.   Within weeks, appeared. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum,, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquainstances, I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F. Semeil.   All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is  that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like ther

Ralph Sanders being cyberbullied by George Semeil Atascadero state hospital

After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued. Within weeks, Ripoffdotcom appeared. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topixforum, Cheatersvilledotcom , scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of. I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquainstances, I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings. Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F. Semeil. All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whoselocations vary all over the country but the reality is that it’s George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude o